Having cold and sick.
yes im this.
feeling high and im on drugs haha its a sine and drugs out my couldness with tea and honey and some whitegarlic muhaha full of in my mouth and smells like a teen sprite :P.
Så fucking good im almost done with my school test in nationellt test
but something i didn't know was that you can have the papper of the test and still look if you had forgett something one the test...still cheating. yes ?
yes fur sure i didn't know so mouch on the test i needed the papper anyway..:*
and the fuckin praow place have beginned and im not so glad for it but a take a chance to the best and don't think im going there at my first day i m still sick for it and don't wan't to mack people sick.
im glad im going to do a test why im going in a special class to see my own tact or posibillieties
why im in the class... and the date for the test is 23/4-09 so wanted :*